Introduction to natural
and cultural history

In 1996, Archaeological Services Inc. (ASI) and Unterman McPhail Cuming Associates (UMCA) in association with Historica Research Limited (HRL) were retained by the former Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth to conduct an assessment of cultural heritage resources that may be impacted by the North-South Section of the Red Hill Creek Expressway.

In total, 22 archaeological sites were identified during assessment of the Red Hill Valley corridor. Thirteen of these – eight pre-contact Indigenous/Onkwehonwe sites and five Euro-Canadian historic sites – were discovered and thoroughly documented.

The proceeding picture, artifact images and  interpretive text extracts are provided courtesy of Archaeological Services Inc. (ASI). For more information on the artifacts, please contact Claire van Neirop, ASI Manager of Communications by email at or phone 416-966-1069 ex. 225.

The Ancient Environment of the Red Hill Valley

The Red Hill Valley is an environmental feature associated with the Niagara Escarpment – the most prominent landscape feature in Southern Ontario. It was formed over 500 to 400 million years ago during the Paleozoic Era, during a period when Ontario was covered by warm, shallow water.

The environment as it was known to the first humans in the valley had its beginnings at the start of the last major continental glaciation around 75,000 years ago. The three-kilometre thick continental glacier, known as the Laurentide Ice Sheet, gradually flowed southward for thousands of years, reaching its maximum southerly extent in Ohio around 20,000 years ago. When that ice finally began to withdraw and melt around 14,000 years ago, it left behind a complex layer of glacial deposits across the province – deposits that can still be seen in the valley.

For a short time after this, Southern Ontario was carpeted by tundra vegetation – the kind of environment we see in the subarctic region of Canada today. Huge meltwater lakes appeared after the ice melted, and the people that came to live on their shores would have pursued animals such as caribou, mastodon and mammoths that roamed freely around the lake’s edges.

This tundra-like environment was eventually replaced by an open-spruced parkland and then was gradually replaced by mixed needle and broadleaf forest roughly 8,000 years ago. By this stage, the elephant species (mammoths) had become extinct, but people living in the region continued to hunt game such as moose, deer, elk and beaver, as well as game birds such as wild turkey and ruffed grouse.

Human Occupation of the Red Hill Valley

The cultural history of the Red Hill Creek Parkway corridor mirrors that described for the watershed region and the rest Southern Ontario: it began approximately 13,000 years ago and continues to the present.  Due to the diversity and richness of its natural environment, the region in which the Red Hill Valley Parkway lies has attracted human habitation from the time of the first arrival of people to Ontario. A review of the pre-contact history of the area is important, as there tends to be less widespread awareness of the general knowledge of the societies that inhabited Ontario prior to the onset of Euro-Canadian settlement.

13,000 to 12,000 Years Ago

12,000 to 3,000 Years Ago

3,000 to 500 Years Ago

19th-Century Euro-Canadian

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